Thursday, November 22, 2012

Review E.L.F Essential Lipstick in Seductive


Lately, I like blogging about make up or skin care product. I want to complete my make up tools and I need some reviews about it. Although I do realize that some products maybe can work good to someone but its not really work on me. Advise for you who is looking for make up now, getting some reviews and buy a product which you feel really fit on you. For example, if you are looking for foundation and your have oily skin types, get a review from those who have oily skin too. Dont push your self to buy a product only since its really good for someone.

Oke, I'm not make up queen. When I was in college, I didn't use any make up. Only facial foam when I was taking a bath, lil bit powder, and lipgloss. Done! ^^
Yeaaaah, I'm not despited that sometime I really wanted to decorate my face with make up, but I just though that it was not my style. I'm a lil bit 'boyish' at that time, hohooo.. But everything can change, rite? Now, i feel confident when I put some make up on my face, like moisturizer, foundation, loose powder, eyeliner, eyebrow, mascara, blush on, and lipgloss.

Hence, I want to review my only one lipstick. Why only one? do I have another lipstick? No!
Actually I have watershine by Maybelline but I'm not use it yet, so I'm not count it, hehee..
I'm not lipstik maniac. I prefer using lipgloss than lipstick. But I will buy lipstik when it looks glossy or shiny. I don't like lipstick with matte finish.
E.L.F Essential Lipstik in Seductive
Before I review this lipstick, maybe some of you still questioning about this brand. Oke, I will explain a lil bit. I have googling and saw its website to know more about this brand. Based on Wikipedia, E.L.F cosmetic is an international cosmetics brand based in New York City. Founded by Joseph Shamah and Scott Vincent Borba in 2004, it sells products largely at $1, $3, and $5 price points.
They claim that their Mineral Makeup will make our skin healthier, no parabens, no preservatives, and no chemical dyes.
About E.L.F Essential Lipstick
Indulge your lips with long lasting color and shine. The moisture rich formula hydrates, conditions and softens on contact for silky smooth lips. Instantly beautiful, healthy-looking lips designed, formulated and tested by our professional team of makeup artists.
For further information, kindly check on E.F.L Official Website.
 Lets get my review started ^^
Lets swatch it :
swatch on my hand using flash
Swatch on my hand without flash
 Since the first time I saw its swatch review in You Tube, I have fell in love with Seductive colour. Its sweet colour rite, not too much but look so girly. As you have looked, when I swatched using flash, its looks a lil bit glossy, but in below picture (without flash) it looks like matte finish. Actually I'm also confused, while I take a look in a mirror, I saw that it gave matte finish, but when I looked again carefully, its not too matte.
Unfortunately I didn't save the picture while I was try it on my lips, I will post it once I have take a photo again, hehee ^^v

What I love from this lipstik is it's not make my lips dry, yeaah I never use it full on my lips since it will be too much for me if I use it to work or just to everyday look. I just put it slightly on my lips then I give lipgloos so it can looks natural. Sometimes, when you use lipstick, it will be crack, rite? and its not good at all. But when I tried it full on my lips, it can stay FULL and not crack. But I dunno what will be happened when you use it all day long.

Then what I dislike :
After you looked the packaging picture, you may think that the packaging looks cheap and can easily fragile. Some user said that this lipstik can easily broken, I though that it caused from the packaging.
But, unfortunately it is true :(
If you are in a hurry or you are not a 'careless' person - Just like me. Oke, I admit that I can't put my tools slowly and mostly a sloopy type, I just broken this lipstik, oh my oh my.. Maybe this lipstick will not suitable for you, as its not suitable for me too..
I don't like while I twirl it up, the side of lipstick always touch its container, thats so bad.
Look how bad my lipstik. I dunno its caused I'm not careless enough with my make up or maybe everyone got the same problem like me. And its truly broken guuuys. 
Although this make up from USA, but after I checked it, there is "made in China" written below.
I bought it from trusted seller in Female Daily. But I don't have any idea why its made in China?
Any suggestion..??
Pro :
- Cheap, only $1
- Moisturizer my lip
- Love the Seductive colour
Conts :
- The packaging too bad
- Easily broken
- Only available in online shop
- I can's make sure that its an original product 
Price :
$ 1

Repurchase ?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Review Face Mask (For Dry Skin) La Tulipe


Di post kali ini aku mau review salah satu produk masker yang dikeluarkan oleh salah satu brand lokal, La Tulipe. Dari kuliah aku rajin pake masker, minimal seminggu sekali. Tapi sekarang aku udah jarang pake, mungkin kalo lagi inget aja, hohoo.. Makanya aku ngerasa sekarang mukaku jadi suka kusam. Padahal aku kerja di ruangan AC dan jarang keluar ruangan kecuali emang mau lunch keluar.

Masker La Tulipe ini sebenernya udah lama aku beli. Waktu itu, aku emang suka keluyuran keluar rumah dan mukaku belum se-oily sekarang. Makanya aku belinya yang khusus 'for dry skin'.

Karena aku orangnya ngga suka buang-buang barang, apalagi masker ini masih ada separuh isinya, jadinya aku mulai pake lagi sekarang, hahaa #pelit

Oke, mari kita langsung review..
Jujur aku kurang cocok dengan masker yang satu ini. Soalnya mukaku sekarang emang oily, sedangkan dulu aku mukaku ini kombinasi, cuma berminyak di T-zone aja.
Bentuk adonannya ngga terlalu cair dan buatku agak susah diratakan. Belum tau sih kalo apply nya pake kuas gimana, karena di petunjuknya emang disarankan pake brush. Aku ngeratainnya sih biasa pake tangan. Masker ini termasuk cepet kering lho, buktinya kadang aku belum selesai ngeratain ke seluruh bagian wajah, masker yang udah aku apply awal-awal pasti udah kering duluan. Cocok nie buat yang pengen maskeran tapi ngga punya banyak waktu luang, hehee..

Terus efeknya gimana?
Hmm.. Dari awal beli sampe udah sisa dikit, aku ngerasa ngga ada efek apa-apa selain muka jadi bersih. Makanya aku lebih suka pake masker Garnier atau Masker Bengkoang Mustika Ratu. Karena setelah pake kedua masker itu, mukaku jadi bersih dan keliatan cerah. Mungkin karena fungsi Face Mask La Tulipe ini untuk memberi nutrisi dan melembabkan bagi yang mukanya tipe dry skin kali ya..
Selain itu, yang ngga aku suka lagi adalah tiap pake masker La Tulipe ini, aku mesti ngerasa mukaku kaya kebakar. Entah maskernya ada efek-efek kaya gitu atau mukaku emang ngga cocok dengan kandungan maskernya. Ini yang sebenernya bikin aku jadi males pake..

Pro :
- cheap, under IDR 20K
- Can dry fastly

Cont :
- Ada efek panas seperti kebakar
-don't like it smell

Price :
Under IDR 20K (forgot the exact price, so sorry)

Absolutely No..

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Review Oriflame Pure Colour Nude Pink Nail Polish

Assalamualaikum all..!! ^^

Kali ini tiba-tiba pengen review tentang salah satu nail polish yang biasa aku pake. Sebenernya aku suka lho pake cat kuku meskipun baru bisa makenya kalo lagi haid aja, hehee. Karena jarang make tapi suka itu lah #apasih aku beli nail polishnya yang biasa-biasa aja alias no brand, misalnya dari counter-counter girlis macam strawberry dkk. 

Nah beberapa bulan yang lalu, aku beli cat kuku keluaran Oriflame. Kebetulan waktu itu Oriflame lagi diskon untuk produk nail polishnya ini. Lumayan lah, soalnya diskonnya sampe separuh harga, hehee. Sebenernya sih aku ngga gitu familiar sama produk-produknya Oriflame. Cuma katalognya Oriflame ini sering banget beterbaran di kantor karena ada beberapa temen kantor yang jadi membernya. Jadi ngga bisa dong ya kalo ngga dilirik, hohoo..
Nama produknya Pure Colour Nail Polish. Aku belinya yang warna nude pink.
Sebenernya aku belinya dua, yang nude pink sama burgundy, tapi post nya next time aja ya..
Kenapa pilih dua warna itu? alesannya sih tak lain tak bukan karena yang satu warnanya kalem dan yang laennya agak "kereng", heheee.. :P
 dari kemasannya sudah keliatan kan warna nude pink nya.. :)
Sebelum apply jangan lupa di-shake dulu ya guys..
need 3-4 layer to get this colour
Huwaaah, di poto ini pada notice ngga ya kalo ujungnya ngelentek :(
Kalo kubilang untuk harga normal sekitar 30K, nail polish ini ngga terlalu awet.
Karena tiap habis cuci piring atau cuci baju gitu suka ngelentek sendiri.
Udah gitu, kalo habis apply keringnya juga suka lama.
Padahal aku mesti numpuk beberapa layer lagi biar dapet warna kaya gambar di atas.

Pro :
- love the colour

Conts :
- you can't use it when you are in hurry, its need long time to dry
- Flake off easily

Price :
Normal price around 20K-30K, but I bought it only 10,5K after discount :)

Maybe, if there is a discount why not.. Will try other colour

See Ya...! (^.^)/